distractions; something that takes away from your ability to focus and concentrate, often on a task, person or situation.
distractions are everywhere. distractions are a plague. mobile phones, people, your own mind. you can become distracted by a multitude of things.
i’ve been immensely distracted lately. i’m working on it, i’m trying to change it, but the fact is still true; i’ve been distracted. that’s why i’m writing this, as a way to wrestle with my current situation and talk it out.
there’s good distractions and there’s bad distractions.
the best option is to remove bad distractions and engage with the good distractions in moderation.
good distractions.
there’s some distractions that are good.
talking to friends and family, reading a book. when you use these things to distract yourself, there’s immense benefits. they’re good things.
there’s some distractions that are better than good; they elevate you, they open you up to a new world. there’s wonderful distractions.
you need to hold onto these and engage with them in moderation. don’t cut them out completely, as they are a source of happiness.
bad distractions.
these are the things that harm your focus, friendships and future.
bad distractions can destroy you. they can limit your chance at success and real happiness. bad distractions are a huge burden.
i’ve been engaging with bad distractions lately.
some of it is conscious, some of it is unconscious. either way, it isn’t helping me.
this year specifically, i cannot afford to be distracted. i cannot afford to fuck up my future, in the simplest terms.
removing distractions.
there’s plenty of ways to remove and destroy distractions.
the first step is to acknowledge the fact that you are distracted, and then figure out what it is that is distracting you. if you’re aware of the problem, you can prevent and stop it.
the second step is to work at removing the distraction at all costs. this may include total avoidance or gradual release. if you’re distracted by social media, for example, the best option is to delete those apps. if you’re distracted by love, the best option is to put extra focus into other areas of your life (friendships, career, school etc) and let love take it’s course.
the third step is maintenance. you need to ensure that you stay on top of minimising distractions so that they don’t creep back in. ensure you continue to put distance between yourself and the distractions.
the fourth and last step is time. you need to be patient and allow time to pass. with time you’ll likely move on from the distraction and forget how it plagued you.
i’m gonna try take my own advice and leave distractions behind.
i know that i can’t afford to be distracted. i know that if i let myself be distracted, the blame will be solely on me.
when it comes to these things, i prefer being radical and drastic. small steps don’t usually work for me. i just need to take the leap and go full cold turkey (i can’t use this phrase without thinking of a certain chem teacher).
in the coming days i’m going to do that. i’m going to mute notifications, delete apps, turn my phone off for periods and other things. i’m tapping into the laser focus that i know i have.
don’t let distractions take over your life.