GIVE; A 4 Step Framework To Raise Your Vibrations And Attract Greatness

Sam M
6 min readApr 18, 2022


A framework to help you raise your vibrations, and attract exactly what you want into your life.

Outlined by Natasha Graziano in her podcast episode, ‘The Most Powerful Ways To Raise Your Vibration’

Photo: Cottonbro/Pexels

Who Is Natasha Graziano?

Graziano, as it outlines in her website’s homepage, is America’s #1 Mindset Coach & ranked number 1 female motivational speaker under 40 in the world’ by Forbes Magazine and top female mindset coach by Business Insider.

She went from sheer homelessness, without a penny to her name, to a worldwide powerhouse when it comes to productivity, manifestation and living your best life.

Primarily a motivational speaker and mindset coach, she shares her brilliant ideas at talks, on podcasts and by working with other influential brands.


It is important to note what spiritual vibrations are, and why they are important, before the framework is outlined.

Spiritual vibrations regard the energy of a specific thing, person or place. It’s the idea that we are all simply energy, vibrating at a certain frequency; a frequency that can be altered.

There’s a range of frequencies, from high to low, and it is important to cultivate the frequency that works best for you.

Understanding and harnessing the power of spiritual vibrations is absolutely essential, for it can help you navigate the energies that surround you each day, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself and those around you.

GIVE — The Framework

Graziano outlines this framework for raising your vibrations, no matter what the situation is, where you are, or who you’re with.

It is essential to master the 4 aspects of the GIVE framework, so that you do not become overcome by circumstances, and you keep a strong grip on your spiritual self.

The framework itself;





G — Gratitude


Gratitude is the quality of being thankful and appreciative for all that is around you.

It is the quality of wanting to show thanks, to prioritise seeing good things and sharing your appreciation for them.


Gratitude is important in all situations.

However, when you feel your vibrations slipping, and you feel yourself beginning to think negatively, or fall into a rut, practicing gratitude becomes absolutely imperative.

When you practice gratitude, a great deal of things happen. Gratitude aids you in:

  • Seeing the abundance of good things around you
  • Raising your spirits
  • Coming out of a rut
  • Finding inspiration and joy

When you take time to recognise how truly blessed and gifted you are, the problem you were dealing with becomes much less serious.

It’s almost like a shift; you recognise, when looking at the abundance of greatness around you, that the problem is simply not worth your time and energy.

You become, therefore, more inclined to direct your energy to where it truly matters; towards the abundance of good.


Manifestations play a great part in gratitude, and they are extremely important when dealing with low vibrations.


Manifestation is the act of bringing into real life the things you want. It is act of turning your thoughts, desires and dreams into reality.


Manifestations are extremely important when it comes to raising your vibrations.

They aid you in visualising and imagining a future that you want, and help you get it.

When you manifest, and affirm to yourself all the great things you want, those thoughts begin to blossom into your reality.


When you shift your thoughts from a place of negativity (as you would have been experiencing when your vibrations were low) to a place of great positivity (when you manifest, it works to outline the great things) your life shifts with it.

When you concentrate on a bright future, and you manifest it for yourself, your world begins to shift in that direction too.

You begin to see, and receive, the abundance, the love, the opportunities that you were manifesting!

I — Inspiration


Inspiration is something that you must prioritise when working to raise your vibrations.

Inspiration is something that influences, encourages and provokes you, into being better, and taking different action.

When you become inspired, you become motivated and excited, you want to do better things.


When dealing with low vibrations, it is absolutely imperative that you work on getting inspired.

Inviting inspiration into your life does a few things:

  • It provokes action
  • It helps you get out of a rut
  • It reminds you of the bigger picture, and your overall vision
  • It challenges you to be better and do better

When you have the motivation, and you are inspired by others living the life that you desire, you become much more inclined to get up and try again!

It works to lift your vibrations, for you see that other people can do it, and it reminds you that you can too. With inspiration, it encourages you to be better.


There’s a great deal of ways that you can inspire yourself, and it varies from person to person!

Here’s a few examples:

  • Listen to a podcast
  • Exercise
  • Stretch
  • Cook your favourite meal
  • See a friend
  • Create a vision board

V — Vision


Vision regards what you want from your actions, and exactly how you’re going to get it.

A vision is something you have for the future; it encompasses what you want, who you want, and the type of life you’ll live.

Visions can vary, and they are extremely personal!


Having a vision, no matter whether your vibrations are raised to not, is absolutely essential.

A vision:

  • Serves as a why
  • Reminds you where you want to go
  • Outlines how you’ll get there
  • Can work to inspire you

When you have a set vision, and you have your future outlined in your mind, or on a board, it serves as an incredible source of inspiration!

Visions give you clarity and consciousness on what you want and how you’ll get it.

With this clarity and knowledge, you can work at achieving your vision.

In regards to raising vibrations, when you create a vision, it aids with clarity, and can help you see the positives all around.


Clarity is the state of knowing.

It is knowing what you want, how you want it, when you’ll get it etc.

More importantly, it is knowing these things clearly.

Work on gaining immense clarity for your direction, and that aids with raising vibrations


To improve your vision and clarity, there’s multiple things you can do:

  • Create a vision board
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Journal — all the reasons why you want to achieve
  • Tell a friend your ideas

E — Exercise


Exercise is the act of moving your body, in some way, to maintain or create a healthy physical state.

In blander terms, it’s just the process of consciously moving your body.


Exercise is highly important in general life, but especially in raising your vibrations.

There are both health and spiritual benefits to exercise.

Health Benefits

There have been many scientific studies conducted to explain the importance of exercise.

A few health benefits include:

  • Improved cognition
  • Prevents later health issues and conditions
  • Improves your mood and energy levels
  • Ensures a longer and better quality of life
  • Improves gut health

Raising Vibrations

Asides from the health benefits, exercise also works to raise your vibrations!

The very act of moving your body serves as a shift; it takes your body away from the negativity, and helps cultivate positivity and different energies.

When you physically move away from the situation, you leave the energy behind.

And, the process of exercise itself encourages positivity and better vibrations, for it releases endorphins, which help to boost your mood!


There are many different ways to incorporate a bit of exercise into your life!

There are extravagant ways, such as:

  • Joining a gym
  • Joining an aerobics/yoga class

But there are also many highly accessible ways, such as:

  • Working out at home (maybe by watching a youtube video)
  • Taking a walk (this is great if you have a dog)
  • Going on a run, jog or bike ride
  • Getting in a few press-ups or pull-ups

There’s always a way to get in some exercise, work on finding a way that works for you.

In Conclusion

Graziano outlines a 4 step method in helping you raise your vibrations!





Work on mastering the 4 pillars, and you’ll be on the track to cultivating and living your best life.



Sam M
Sam M

Written by Sam M

happiness in all areas of life. student 👨🏻‍🎓

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