3 Little Wonder Bites
📖 Current Read; 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living — Ryan Holiday
The Obstacle Is The Way
The Wrong Notion
Whenever you are faced with a fairly large obstacle, your reaction is often one of fear, tepidity, confusion and anticipation.
You are fearful, for you do not know what it is and how it may impact you.
You are anticipating what may come next and how it will impact your life.
The natural reaction to an obstacle is negative — we see them as things that get in our way and hold us back.
However, not all obstacles are so negative.
Many obstacles can actually be used to help you!
Obstacles can be used to enhance your skills, encourage your confidence and help you progress.
The Obstacle Is The Way
The obstacle is the way.
This means exactly what it says — the only way you’ll move forward is by facing that obstacle.
Facing obstacles takes lots of skills, such as perseverance and strength.
However, it is something we can all do.
More importantly, it is something we must do.
If you want to truly grow and advance, you must face those challenging obstacles.
Obstacles are placed as a test: will you pass or fail?
Through battling with an obstacle you can improve greatly, and you may even come out victorious!
Just Face It
Having said all this, what’s the best course of action?
There’s no chance that fear has been instantly dispelled — many will still likely hold onto fear, and be reluctant to tackle those big obstacles.
However, there will be no progress if you do not take action.
There will be no progress if you hide in fear or reluctancy.
The best course of action is to just face it.
Throw yourself, in a calm and calculated way, at the obstacle.
Give it all you’ve got!!
Fear Is Fabricated
Fear is just in the mind.
Fear is not tangible — you cannot see it or hold it.
Fear is just an awful emotion created by your mind to divert you from greatness.
See the fear, acknowledge the fear, but do not let it take over.
Go at the obstacle and the fear will be dispelled by action!
Idea of the Week. 💭
Do Your Job
Do Your Job
Do your job.
Whatever anyone does or says, be who you are and show your true colours.
For a stoic, their job is to be good.
Regardless of the circumstances, they work on being good.
Regardless of who’s around or not (maybe even more important, if there’s anyone around) they work on being good.
Regardless of how they feel in a specific moment, they work on being good.
This is your job in life — to be good.
Practice and preach it.
Ignore The Circumstances
In order to do your job, you need to ignore specific circumstances and triggers.
You need to ignore the things that may provoke frustration or encourage you to lash out.
Circumstances do not always favour us.
There’ll be many obstacles in life, and it won’t always be smooth sailing.
When these obstacles and difficult circumstances do arise, you cannot fall victim to them.
You cannot become a pawn to them, and you cannot let them control you.
You cannot let them provoke negative emotions such as frustration and anger.
Take Control
You cannot become a victim of the circumstances.
Instead, you must take control and enchant your self discipline.
Rather than lashing out, you must do your job.
Rather than becoming angry or frustrated, you must do your job.
Stay true to yourself and be good.
Don’t let the negative circumstances and triggers bring out a dark side!
Quote of the Week. 🗣
James Clear on the fact that life rewards courage, boldness and ambition.
“Life rewards courage.
The person who is brave enough to bet on something or someone — as long as they avoid irreversible mistakes like running out of cash or going to jail — is in a position to win.”
To end, here’s a question from me! ⚡️
How can you prioritise yourself today?
Thanks for reading!
Until next week,
Sam. 😆