i’ve taken a break from writing for the past two and a half months.
i’ve taken a break from everything really; people, studying, writing. it’s been a long needed and awaited rest. the first time i’ve been able to truly rest in around 2 years.
that doesn’t mean i stopped everything. life doesn’t just stop whenever you need it to. that’s one of the best, and most infuriating things, about life — it goes on no matter what.
i simply stopped the intensity of everything. i stopped sprinting and began to slowly walk. i prioritised less over more, finally.
it took me well over a year, but i finally started listening to my own advice.
things haven’t been perfect. lot’s of ups and downs. some tragic nights, really, ones i’d like to forget. some great moments too; films, books, music and people. a few successes too.
i’ve just been resting, sleeping lots and doing as little as possible. i’ve practically gone into hibernation the last three months.
rest is important. doing nothing is important.
writing is my thing.
writing is something i know i will always be able to come home to.
what i’ve wrote has changed over the years; i dabbled in poetry and ended up published, and i spent a year of my life writing non fiction stoicism articles. none of that time has been wasted, and i still enjoy those things.
right now though i want to just focus on thoughts. using this platform and these pieces to talk about whatever it is i’m thinking about.
i don’t know what this will turn into, or how consistent it will be. i don’t want to set any deadlines or put any pressure on myself.
i’ll be writing for the fun and peace of writing.
on the topic of writing, i submitted a poem of mine to the new yorker.
i was feeling inspired, i think. by the possibilities. the aura around it all.
it’s a poem i wrote back in the spring based on the Holocaust. it’s titled warriors, and to put it simply, it’s about the fight. the fight to be, to exist, to live and breathe as you are.
i personally haven’t struggled too much with that fight (i got incredibly lucky, but i easily could’ve had a hard time with it all. i’ll always be grateful for that) but i know those that have. even if i’m not the victim, it’s important to be loud for those that are. i guess that’s what the poem is.
i doubt it’ll be published, but i’m the optimistic type. who knows.
and so i’m continuing.
i’m continuing here with articles, just with some changes. a change to the focus, the writing style, the format… but it’s still me. it’s the genuine me that i haven’t showed on this platform. it’s about time i do that.
this feels like it could be something good. it could be good.
my life is good at the minute. it’s not bad, it’s not especially brilliant, it’s just good. and that’s all i can really ask for.
life is good.