What does the phrase ‘show up for yourself’ mean to you?
A lot of people have different ideas, but it seems that there’s a general, overarching them when this phrase comes up; grinding every day, following a strict routine, going to the gym, always eating well etc.
A lot of people associate showing up for yourself with hard work; actively doing difficult things, all of the time, because you know they’ll help you improve. To an extent, showing up for yourself is definitely about doing challenging things — it’s massively important to push yourself out of the comfort zone and do the things you find hard.
Showing up for yourself isn’t just doing hard things, however.
Sometimes showing up for yourself is eating a tub of ice cream that you’ve been craving for a while when watching a comfort film. Sometimes showing up for yourself is sleeping in and listening to your body. Sometimes showing up for yourself is slowing down — going on a walk instead of a long run.
Showing up for yourself isn’t just hard work. Showing up for yourself is all about flow; flowing with what your mind, soul and body needs in a given moment.
If going to the gym is what your mind, body and soul wants to do (naturally you might have to fight against the mind in some…